Registration for Family Faith Formation, Youth Group, Confirmation, and First Communion 2024-2025 is currently closed.

For questions please contact: Lance Pikaart for Family Faith Formation, Peggy Armstrong for First Communion, or Maria Obradovich for Confirmation and Youth Group. Thank you! 

Youth Confirmation

“We commonly speak of the sacrament of “chrismation”, a word that signifies “anointing”. And, in effect, through the oil called “sacred chrism” we are conformed, in the power of the Spirit, to Jesus Christ, who is the only true “Anointed One”, the “Messiah”, the Holy One of God. The word “confirmation” then reminds us that this sacrament brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace: it unites us more firmly to Christ, it renders our bond with the Church more perfect, and it gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith, ... to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of his cross. …When we welcome the Holy Spirit into our hearts and allow him to act, Christ makes himself present in us and takes shape in our lives; through us, it will be he — Christ himself — who prays, forgives, gives hope and consolation, serves the brethren, draws close to the needy and to the least, creates community and sows peace. Think how important this is: by means of the Holy Spirit, Christ himself comes to do all this among us and for us. That is why it is important that children and young people receive the sacrament of confirmation.”

(Pope Francis, General Audience, Wednesday, January 29, 2014)

Confirmation preparation class will meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 6-7:30 p.m. These classes are designed to help the candidates dig deeper into the mysteries of their faith while providing a comprehensive catechesis for the sacrament so that they might more readily live out this evangelical mission.

The curriculum used for Confirmation will be YOUCAT Confirmation Book.

Confirmation is a one-year process. The standard enrollment period for Confirmation is when the youth will be entering the 8th grade year. It is not required to be enrolled in Youth Group in addition to Confirmation preparation, but highly advised.

  • The Diocese designates the 8th grade year as the normal period for confirmation. Children younger than 8th grade must receive permission from the Bishop to be confirmed. Please contact Maria Obradovich for more information. 

For more information, contact Maria Obradovich at 719-597-4249 x121 or

Registration Fees

Registration fees help cover the cost of class materials such as books, printing, craft materials, etc.  

Youth Confirmation enrollment fees

$55 per child

Need to update or submit a release form?

Adult Confirmation

  • Adults must be over the age of 18, baptized Catholic, and have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.

  • Candidate needs to be a practicing, active member of our parish community.

  • Candidate must complete program for Adult Confirmation.

  • Candidates must choose a Catholic sponsor (someone who faithfully lives out the teachings of the Church) who will accompany them throughout their preparation.

If you desire to be confirmed but have not yet received First Communion, if you aren’t currently practicing your faith but want to go deeper, or if you aren’t sure where to start, please contact us for more information!


for more information, contact lance pikaart

719-597-4249 x108