Here at Holy Apostles, we are devoted to Our Lord and to our parish mission: “Encountering Christ & Making Disciples.” One way we encounter Christ is through serving one another. Christ gave His actions and His life as an example for us to imitate. God gives each of us special gifts, talents, and abilities, not for ourselves, but for His Glory, His Church, and the world.
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”
Matthew 10:45
We are blessed with many opportunities for you to exercise your unique God-given gifts. Check out our ministries and apostolates below to see how you can live out your call to be a part of this great mission.
If you are interested in becoming involved in any of our Ministries or Apostolates, please click here.
Liturgy & Worship
Altar Linens
Maintains and washes altar and sacramental linens according to canonical norms.
Opportunity for boys and young men who have received 1st Communion through the age of 18 to serve at the altar and assist the priest and deacon with sincere devotion and decorum at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Training sessions are held for new servers.
Altar Servers
Arts & Environment
Helps prepare and adorn the sanctuary to ensure a beautiful environment for worship.
Daughters of Veronica
The Daughters of Veronica (DOV) is an opportunity for girls who have received 1st Communion through the age of 18 to draw from their feminine genius to serve and prepare for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The DOVs strive to grow in deeper relationship with Our Lord through prayer, service, catechesis, and fellowship.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC's)
Parishioners who are trained and mandated by the Bishop to distribute Holy Communion at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. EMHC's can also be trained to bring the Eucharist to our parishioners who are homebound or nursing home residents.
Assists families with planning or pre-planning of a funeral.
Funeral Planning
Lectors proclaim God's Word through Sacred Scripture at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and welcome the faithful by making announcements at the beginning of Mass.
Brings glory to God through beautiful liturgical music and encourages an atmosphere of prayer and worship. In addition to the Sunday choir, Holy Apostles also has a Samoan choir and a Handbell choir.
Music Ministry
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
24/7 Eucharistic Adoration in the Divine Mercy Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament.
Prepares beforehand for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and cleans the sacred vessels afterward.
Responsible for management of parish multimedia equipment used for all Masses and various events.
Livestreams Sunday Mass for the homebound.
Stream Team
Assist with the comfort of parishioners during Mass and perform various specified functions during the Liturgy.
Formation & Vocations
1st Reconciliation & 1st Eucharist Prep
Prepares children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Helps families and godparents to prepare for the baptism of infants and children under the age of 7.
Baptism Prep
Prepares youth to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation Prep: Youth
Prepares adults 18 and older who have already received the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation Prep: Adults
Family Faith Formation
Assists parents as the primary educators of their children to teach and model the Catholic Faith.
We lovingly invite all children in partnership with their parents to our nationally accredited developmental program as we prepare them for the path ahead in a nurturing, safe, Christ-centered environment.
Holy Apostles Preschool
OCIA helps adults, families, and children who desire to become Catholic prepare to enter the Catholic Church, as well as baptized Catholics who desire to learn about their faith or receive sacraments.
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation)
Meets weekly and provides a fun and supportive community for youth.
Youth Group
Parish Life
Consults with the pastor regarding the financial health of the parish.
Finance Council
The funeral hospitality ministry prepares and serves a simple luncheon for the bereaved following a funeral here at the parish.
Funeral Hospitality
The Hospitality Team helps Holy Apostles create a welcoming environment for all visitors and parishioners, making them feel at home and assisting with any needs they might have. Serving on this team provides those with the gift of hospitality an opportunity to extend the love of Christ to all who step through our doors.
Hospitality Team
Lawn & Grounds Maintenance
Maintains the beautiful lawn & grounds at the parish.
Mary, Queen of Apostles Library
Provides Catholic resources to the parish to facilitate spiritual growth.
Assists with maintenance projects around the church: painting, landscaping, repairs, etc.
St. Joseph's Guild
Team responsible for parish safety at Mass and assisting the parish during emergency situations.
St. Michael Ministry
Prayer & Fellowship
Book Club
Participate in spiritual, educational, and social opportunities through discussion of timely books.
Charismatic Ministries
Charismatic Ministries offers Charismatic Praise and Worship events, as well as Unbound healing & deliverance ministry and Life in the Spirit seminars designed to bring openness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Aerobics classes for women of all ages and denominations. Body, mind, and spirit provide the foundation.
Christian Aerobics
Community of the Teresian Carmel and the Little Way Discalced Carmelite Secular Order
Members of the Discalced Carmelite Order who live the Carmelite charism as a lay (secular) community. The community meets once a month at Holy Apostles for Mass, prayer, formation, and social time. Aspirants are accepted once per year.
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Fosters devotion to Divine Mercy by praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy after the noon Mass on Sundays and occasionally assisting with leading the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet at funerals.
First Saturday Prayer Group
Meets on the first Saturdays of every month for Mass, First Saturday devotions, and fellowship.
A fellowship group open to all parishioners aged 50 or older that meets monthly for a luncheon.
Golden Agers
Inferno exists to help encourage and empower men, so together, we can lead our families, build up community, revive the Church and become the saints we were created to be! Inferno offers diocesan-wide events as well as a COR small group that meets at Holy Apostles.
Inferno Men’s Group
A fraternal organization of practicing Catholic men (aged 18 +), that serves the parish and endeavors toward patriotism, charity, unity and fraternity.
Knights of Columbus
Seven Sisters Apostolate
A call to women to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest.
Small Catholic Communities
Promotes and sustains a Catholic identity through small gatherings and book studies.
A fellowship group for singles over the age of 50 (widow/widowers, divorced, or never married).
St. Monica’s Prayer Warriors
Meets on a regular basis to pray for the return of loved ones to the Catholic Faith
Widows’ Apostolate
A community of women who have lost their husbands that meets regularly to provide fellowship and support.
Holy Apostles' Women's Ministry exists to bring Christ's love to others by providing support, friendship, and spiritual strength to each other and the parish. Our service projects come from our members' suggestions.
Women's Ministry
A group of women available to support each other through the struggle of primary and secondary infertility, providing authentically Catholic resources and prayer for one another.
Catholic Infertility Support for Women
EADM offers spiritual formation and cenacles of Divine Mercy, which results in bringing knowledge of God’s mercy to those who need it most through spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy (EADM)
Provides support for families in the process of fostering and adopting children, such as meals, childcare, tutoring, etc.
Fostering Hope
Miscarriage and Infant Loss Support
Miscarriage and infant loss are hidden tragedies that many people bear alone. The parish office has confidential resources and burial information available, as well as miscarriage delivery aids available at no cost for those who know in advance that a miscarriage is imminent.
A transitional housing opportunity for men who need a home while looking for employment and journeying toward independent living. Opportunities for volunteers to mentor residents and/or provide a meal and dine with residents.
Monument House Support
Knits and crochets prayer shawls for those experiencing a loss or crisis.
Prayer Shawls
Promotes the dignity of the human person and respect for all human life.
Respect Life
The Rosary Team prays the rosary with seniors at nursing facilities. Click below for more information.
Rosary Team
Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its patron, St. Vincent de Paul.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Provides emotional and spiritual support for those experiencing a loss, crisis, or life difficulty. A trained Stephen Minister will journey with anyone needing support one-on-one.