Why We Exist


At the beginning of the Gospels, Jesus told his disciples "come and see." At the end of the Gospels, Jesus told his disciples "go and teach." In the 2,000 year history of the Church, this has not changed.

Holy Apostles Catholic Church exists to help the people of our families, neighborhoods, and communities to ENCOUNTER CHRIST. We do this through beautiful and faithful worship, Eucharistic Adoration, solid catechesis, local service, and numerous opportunities to grow the gift of our Catholic faith. All of this is also part of how we work to MAKE DISCIPLES.

When we come to appreciate the gift of faith, we challenge the women, men, and youth of our parish to gratefully share this gift by how they live.

Each parishioner of Holy Apostles is called to be a disciple and each disciple is called to extend this invitation from Christ to others in the home, at work, at school, and in the everyday moments of life.