Looking for Sacramental preparation or Youth Group classes?
Registration for Family Faith Formation, Youth Group, Confirmation, and First Communion 2024-2025 is currently closed.
For questions please contact: Lance Pikaart for Family Faith Formation, Peggy Armstrong for First Communion, or Maria Obradovich for Confirmation and Youth Group. Thank you!
Click here for 1st Communion
Click here for middle school confirmation
Click here for youth group
Elementary Faith Formation K-5
We are so excited to get to know you and your family through Family Faith Formation here at Holy Apostles! Our goal is to create an authentic community from which formation in the Catholic faith naturally emerges. As we, Holy Apostles and the parents, begin this journey together it is important to think about your role in giving the gift of the Catholic Faith to your children. This parish is here to support you. However, parents are the ones who have the greatest impact on the faith of their children.
Our K-5th grade formation classes meet for an hour each week after the 9:00am Mass. See the calendar below for more details. Registration for Family Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation classes is on a first come, first served basis for all active Holy Apostles Parishioners.
For more information, contact Lance Pikaart at 719-484-8732 or lpikaart@holyapostlescc.org
The curriculum we are using is Word of Life by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press. Word of Life is a dynamic religious education curriculum that uses the full language of the Church to communicate the Truth of the Gospel and the Love of Jesus Christ. Word of Life is designed as a 22-week program, covering a chapter a week. It employs the “four golden catechetical threads” of Salvation History, Christian Anthropology, Heroic Virtue and Character Formation, and Learning through Discipleship to foster an authentic Catholic identity.
Each grade level cycles through the entire Biblical story at an age-appropriate level with a unique overarching emphasis.
Kindergarten - "God's Plan of Love"
1st Grade - "God's Promise of a Savior"
2nd Grade - "Salvation History: God's Presence in the Sacraments"
3rd Grade - "Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace"
4th Grade - "The Creed: Truth and Our Response of Faith"
5th Grade - "Liturgy and Worship"
You can learn more about Word of Life here.
Financial Assistance
We are here to help. If you have children who need to receive sacraments, but you are financially unable to meet to cost of registration, please contact Lance Pikaart at Lpikaart@holyapostlescc.org to discuss your situation.
Catechist Discounts
Catechists will receive a 50% discount on their total registration fees. They will pay the full amount at registration and then be reimbursed their 50% by the first class.
Registration Fees
Registration fees help cover the cost of class materials such as books, printing, craft materials, etc.
Family Faith Formation Grades K-5 Fees
$55 for one child in Elementary Faith Formation
$85 for two children in Elementary Faith Formation
$115 for three children in Elementary Faith Formation
$145 for four or more children in Elementary Faith Formation
Need to update or submit a release form?
Interested in volunteering?
RCIA, Family Faith Formation, and the Youth Group need Catholics who are passionate about sharing the faith and serving in a variety of ways. If you think that you might be interested in serving with our formation programs, please contact Lance Pikaart at LPikaart@holyapostlescc.org or 719-597-4249 X108.
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
--Romans 10:14-15