Adult Leaders
Youth Ministry is Looking for adult LEaders!
Do you have a desire to share your faith and be an example? Whether you want to share consistently or one time only, in a large group or small group setting, if your heart is burning while reading this, God may be calling you! Prayers are gratefully appreciated.
Feeling called to lead, but not equipped?
Join a Symbolon Growth Group! Adults will watch and discuss the Symbolon Series to be equipped to share their faith with the youth. This series is 10 powerful episodes that present the truths of our faith: Blessed Trinity, Person of Jesus, Paschal Mystery, Dignity of Human Persons, Mary as Mother. Gathering times will be customized to adults involved. This is a vision and plan to increase Missionary Disciples at Holy Apostles as well as vibrant young disciples! There are two goals to this group: faithfulness and fruitfulness.